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About My Blended Elearning (MyBE)
Blended eLearning (BeL) = (A). eLearning + (B). Remote Online Training (ROT)
My Blended eLearning (or MyBE) is the latest fully remote online blended learning methodology that combines:
(A). Elearning (or Self-Learning online using a Learning Management System (LMS) ), ..plus ..
(B). Remote Online Training ( or Meeting virtually with the Instructor online using Zoom/Skype/Google Meet video-conferencing.)
COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the entire Learning & Development (L&D) industry to embrace the ‘New Norm’ of conducting training online, to avoid human physical contacts and to overcome the travel restrictions. Here, at My Blended Elearning (MyBE) platform, we offer you a better remote online learning experience that is PRACTICAL, SAFE, EFFECTIVE, CONVENIENT & of superb VALUE!!
Click on the image below to watch a short video clip on What is My Blended Elearning (MyBE) Methodology.

Below is a summary of what participants will receive in a typical MyBE course. (Click on the image to enlarge it)
Contact us for more information:
Whatapps: +60-19-5022718
Why take MyBE Courses?
It is now well-recognized that Blended eLearning (BeL) approach can better meet organizational learning goals and satisfies a return of expectation (ROE). Scroll down below to view a list of the many advantages using the BeL course delivery methodology.
The best amongst all those advantages is that BeL platform empowers Flipped Learning ( a variant of BeL). In Flipped Learning model, all the theories and training contents can be stored online in LMS for learners to access. During pre-course, learner can read up articles, watch video, do Self-Learning exercises BEFORE attending the course. During the course, the group’s virtual meeting time with the Instructor is used for ‘applying’ the concepts, break-out room group discussions and projects. The course doesn’t end after meeting with the Instructor. Learner can revise, do post reflection, and submit group project work for evaluation during the post-course period. The diagram below shows an example of Flipped Learning delivery method as recommended in a Blended Learning White Paper sponsored by Massachusetts Institute of Technology Training Alignment Team (TAT). (Click on the diagram to enlarge it. Refer to the source URL show in the diagram for more information)
Blended eLearning (BeL) advantages include …

Safe, Remotely Online
Full Social-Distancing Compliance. Learn at your own pace, own space and at the safety of your home/workplace. No crowding, no travelling. Avoid risks of pandemic exposure!

Fully Customizable
MyBE course can be customized to address specific target areas of job-skills & towards closing employees' specific training needs gap. More relevant & focused.

24x7, Flexible, Self-paced
Everyone learns at their own time, pace and convenience. Avoid the 'too-busy-for-training' pitfall. One can 'study-ahead' or 'catch-up-later' with BeL methods. You decide.

Grades, Reports & Tracking
Online real-time training evaluations provide fast and accurate tracking of employees' training records. Immediate feedback allows speedy actions to re-learn and strengthen areas of weaknesses.

Cost Effective !
Lowers total cost of training delivery. Increase quality, productivity and boost employees' self-esteem and improve skill-sets. HRDF training grant claimable!

Mutual Support System. Learning becomes the mutual responsibility of the workers and employers. With MyBE platform, participants take more serious accountability for own learning. Producing a 'Win-Win' result.
Online Training Courses
Customized Online/Face-to-Face Training Programs
Due to high demand for Face-to-Face training after the COVID-19 pandemic, all upcoming Public Online Training Program are put on-hold status.
If you need any customized in-house customized training program, please contact us. We can design and customize our program to better suit your organization’s training needs.
CONTACT US (Whatapp Only number : + 60-19-5022718) to enquire or customize these valuable Quality & Productivity courses for your organization’s in-house learning program.
Click on the tab below to view a brief introduction of the course.
All professionals use QC Tools to improve quality at the workplace. 7 QC Tools are standardized scientific data analysis tools, used worldwide to transform volumes of data/facts into information and insights the purpose of quality control and improvement. 7 QC Tools are simple, commonsense tools, low-cost, easy to construct and use, yet they form the critical foundation for all problem solving and quality improvement activities. It promotes data/facts/evidence-based decision making using scientific tools. In this course, we provide you an in-depth study and correct usage of these foundational QC tools. Once mastered you can fully participate in root-cause analysis sessions, problem solving, decision making and continuous improvement projects. It is very suitable for ALL levels of employees, especially those involved in Quality Assurance/Control.
** Included are value-added MS Excel Templates to help construct those tools in an easy, fast and accurate manner.
Click here to view a short introduction video on this course.
Statistical Process Control (SPC) are powerful tools used by professional Engineers worldwide to monitor work processes and improve quality at the workplace. This SPC-level 1 (SPC1) course is for ALL Managers, Engineers, Technicians who wants to monitor, control their work processes and continuously improve on it. It trains participants on Step-by-step ongoing process monitoring and how to conduct process capability study correctly. Participants also learn how to set targeted Specification Limits (USL/LSL) for process development.
Included are value-added MS Excel Templates to help construct those tools in an easy, fast and accurate manner.
Click here to view a short introduction video on this course.
Measurement System Analysis (MSA) is a study that evaluates the reliability and validity of a measurement system; especially for an improvement project’s critical-to-quality characteristics, and its Gauge Repeatability and Reproducibility (GR&R) studies. This is a SPC level-2 training course, designed for Managers/Engineers/Technicians to gain in-depth understanding of their measurement process. It is also a mandatory training program for all technical staff involved in calibration of instruments. *Value-added MS Excel Templates are provided to help tabulate calculations and charting in an easy, fast and accurate manner.
Click here to view the course contents writeup on this course.
Do you know how to LEAD a team of workers to solve problem scientifically? Do you know how to present your Quality Improvements initiatives professionally? This PDCA, Scientific Problem Solving Technique training program follows a systematic Step-By-Step, logical, and data-centric method, to solve problems professionally at the workplace. This course is a MUST for all Managers, Engineers, Supervisors, Project Team Leaders and Small Group Activities (SGA) Leaders . The course emphasizes on how to lead others to solve problems at the root-cause(s), to present systematically, logically & convincingly using the 7 QC Tools. Also, a foundational training program for ALL Quality Control Circle (QCC) members.
Click here to view a detail course content writeup on this course.
Employees with Trainer-The-Trainer (TTT) skills are valuable asset to any organization. They can effectively transfer their knowledge/skills to others confidently, thus, generating higher trust in their working relationship with others, and improves productivity, quality and safety that will greatly benefits the organization.
This is a specially-customized intensive training workshop, aimed at those who are already performing training tasks, but needs professional trainer’s guidance to further improve their skills, confidence, and make their online training contents more interesting and engaging to their learners. You will get many valuable tips & strategies, which tools to use, how to design effective visual aids, produce good templates, etc. This course also explores the use of online training engagement tools, gamifications, and human interactions that make transfer of skills more effective. This is a MUST course for all new and existing trainers who are required to conduct Online trainings.
Click here to view the course contents writeup on this course.
The ability to solve problems and make rational decisions is the fundamental excellence of every successful leader. Here ,you will learn to appraise & grasp the ‘big picture’ situation, think analytically, before proposing any actions/decisions or solutions. This online training course examines step-by-step, analytical processes for analyzing situations, solving problems, identifying solutions, making sound decisions, and producing results. Included are tools appropriate for moving through each step of the process. It provides you with a set of Analytical Thinking patterns and processes – – Situational Analysis (SA), Problem Analysis (PA), Decision Analysis (DA) and Potential Problem Analysis (PPA). When you follow these Analytical Thinking methods, the results are powerful; increased quality, improved efficiency, and lower costs. Used in teams, it helps people tap into the know-how of individuals, develop consensus, gain commitment, and resolve issues fast.
Click here to view the course contents writeup on this course.
Most routine problems can be solved systematically using logical decision-making process. However, when the problem gets more complicated or a new problem that had migrated outside our thinking paradigm, it defies rational and critical thinking. These are the times where you need Creative Thinking Problem Solving-Decision Making (C-PSDM) skills.. This training program will explore both Divergent Thinking and Convergent Thinking processes & tools used in solving problems, creating new ideas and making good decisions at the workplace. Effective use of creative thinking processes and tools will enable you to create exciting, game-changing outcomes from the problem you face. You can tap into the know-how of other individuals, develop teamwork and consensus, gain commitment from others, and resolve issues in a fun manner. This training program focus on helping you to look beyond the obvious toward more creative, innovative approaches to solving your problems.
Employees with Train-The-Trainer skills are valuable asset to any organization. They can effectively transfer their expert knowledge and skills confidently to anyone, to produce a higher competent workforce, improves productivity and help achieve organization’s employee succession plan. In today’s fast pace business environment, very often Technical Key Experts (TKE) employees are assigned to train up other employees without first being properly trained as a Trainer. Being highly competent in technical subject matters but not on Train-The-Trainer skillset, TKEs tend to apply an overly complex information dissemination approach in their training delivery. This often over- communicates, over-whelming, boring, and directly delivered in the most ‘efficient’ manner without considering the impact on recipient’s learning psychology and engagement.
This course provides the foundational principles, Best-Known-Methods (BKM) processes, tools and techniques used by professional trainers to analyze training needs, design an appropriate & interesting training program for Adult Learning, develop effective training materials, deliver the trainings engagingly, and evaluate the training effectiveness. Included are many tips to make human training interactions interesting, meaningful and fruitful.
Continuous Improvement strategy in optimizing Productivity is every organization’s ideal Vision to maximize return on investment – – to achieve the highest possible level of productivity and quality, but at the lowest cost possible. The ultimate goal to achieve this is through continuous elimination of wastes in all aspects of the business operations, reduce variations in operational processes and minimize over-burden or stress to the employees. Today, through LEAN practices, many organizations can achieve the highest level of quality and productivity. This course, GEMBA KAIZEN, provides the foundation for LEAN implementation, a step-by-step ‘how-to’ knowledge on world-class productivity improvement strategies, techniques and tools. It will helps change the worker’s mindset on wastes and encourage workers to continuously improve themselves, to take those proven-yet-simple, systematic and successful steps to improve productivity at their own workplace.
This course is designed especially for Quality & Productivity Improvement Taskforce leaders and members, who are identified by their organization to be champions of Productivity Movement, who willhelp steer the organization towards world class excellence.
Quality Control Circle (QCC), a.k.a Innovative & Creative Circle (ICC) consists of a small group of workers, coming from the same work area who voluntarily meet on a regular basis to identify, investigate, analyze and solve their work-related problems together in order to contribute to the overall improvement of the company. This course is specially designed to train Facilitators, QC Leaders & Members on how to start a QCC/ICC team, and systematically solve problems with the team using proven QC tools & techniques. Participants will also learn how to prepare and present their ideas, facts and accomplishments to the management in the most effective manner. This training program is a must for all those who want to adopt the QCC way of quality improvement through teamwork and total employees involvement
Peranan dan tugas Penyelia hari ini amat penting untuk sesuatu organisasi. Keadaan masakini telah berubah seperti daya-saing globalisasi yang semakin sengit, teknologi baru pengeluaran, perkembangan teknologi maklumat sosial yang tersebar luas, permintaan pelanggan dan pekerja-pekerja bawahan yang semakin tinggi. Tidak seperti dahulu, tugas seorang penyelia sudah menjadi lebih rumit dan penuh dengan cabaran. Untuk berjaya, penyelia memerlukan kemahiran-kemahiran penyeliaan moden yang lebih berkesan untuk memikul beban tanggungjawab tugasan masakini ini. Kursus ini disedia khasnya untuk membantu penyelia memahami peranan baru ini dan menyediakan diri untuk menempuhi cabaran-cabaran baru dengan kemahiran-kemahiran yang lebih berkesan serta praktikal. Ia akan memokuskan kepada pembentukkan kemahiran kepimpinan, kemahiran hubungan sesama manusia, kemahiran mendorong pekerja bawahan untuk mencapai prestasi kerja yang lebih tinggi untuk syarikat. Kursus ini sangat sesuai baik untuk penyelia-penyelia yang sudah berpengalaman atau mereka yang baru dinaiki pangkat. Ia akan dapat meningkatkan kemahiran penyeliaan yang penting & perlu untuk mencapai matlamat organisasi dengan lebih berjaya dan yakin.
Organization faces many issues with regard to its operational processes, quality, productivity, reputation, etc. Under these circumstances, root cause analysis is undertaken before defining the corrective action that could taken. Root Cause Analysis (RCA) process involves adoption and application of a series of ‘Best-Known-Methods (BKM)’ that can produce systematic, rational, quantifiable and documented approaches to identify, understanding and resolving underlying causes of under-achieved quality in organizations. When practiced correctly, the results are powerful; RCA training helps eliminate challenging problems, prevent issue recurrence, achieve significant return on investment, create a culture of logical problem solving, foster effective goal setting, help improve communication and facilitate better planning, clearer thinking and faster fault resolution. Included are best practices tools appropriate for moving through each step of the process. It is interactive and engaging with break-out group discussions, interactive board brainstorming, case studies, quizzes and analytical exercises.
Founder, Consultant Trainer
Meet Mr. Nelson Kok
Click here (www.nelsonkok.com) to view Trainer’s full profile.

Our Mission
Customer Focused
All our training courses are customizable and 'tailor-made' to meet our customers' specific training needs. Contact us and tell us how we can support you in meeting your employees' training needs.
Qualified Experienced Facilitator
Qualified with many years of experience, our Facilitator has served internationally in more than 10 countries (e.g. in Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Brunei, Myanmar, United Arab Emirates (UAE), Oman, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) and Sudan.)
Cost Effective & Value-Add Platform
Using latest online technology, our 24x7 Blended eLearning platform brings superb value, cost-savings, practical and convenience to our participants/clients.
How Can We Help You?
Do you want us to help customize training for your client or organization? Whatapp +60-19-5022718 or Email: my.blended.elearning@gmail.com.
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