Frontline Leeadership


Frontline Leaders are first level of leaders who lead or supervise a group of followers to achieve the operational-level strategies of the organizations. 

These are Middle-Level Management employees who exceled being ‘single-contributors’ and are now transitioning into managerial or ‘people-manager’ position.  Example: Section Heads, Staff Engineers, Senior Officers/Executives/Engineers/Analysts, Supervisors, Project Team Leaders, etc.

frontline leadership program

Very often excellent performers are promoted into the frontline leadership position (where they need to lead and supervise a group of subordinates) without first being trained.   The transition from excellent performer to competent Frontline Leader (e.g. Section Head, Project Team Leader, Senior Executive/Engineer or Supervisor, etc) can be very trying, and it demands a specialized set of ‘PEOPLE MANAGEMENT’ skills.

Newly appointed Frontline Leaders must be able to position themselves as competent People Leaders in order to gain respect from subordinates, peers and managers. Research have shown that most Leaders are promoted to their position without first undergoing proper People Management skills trainings, but expected to perform wellUntrained Frontline Leaders often act like a boss rather than a leader to their subordinates (and sometime to peers too) because they are not properly equipped with the frontline leadership skills.  This not only causes strains in their working relationship with their subordinates and peers but also causes demotivation at the workplace and worse, a higher turnover in the organization. Quality, productivity and teamwork suffers.

Modern workplace and business demand higher quality, better performance and more innovative ideas from their employees; the workplace is also growing more and more complex.  Even relationships with others are becoming more complicated and demanding with the modern social media influences. In face of such challenges, Frontline Leaders or Supervisors have to be trained, competent, and effective if they are to help their subordinates invest the best of their minds, hearts and hands into their work in order for the work to be done well.  Today’s Frontline Leaders must move from doing things to people and towards doing more things with peopleIt is a role that is expanded to foster collaboration, involvement, and initiative with all levels of people – – not only downward, but upward and across the organization as well. 

This Frontline Leadership Development Program (FLDP) will equips your Frontline Leaders with the critical and foundational proven principles, latest techniques and skills for professional People Management skills excellence.  FLDP consists of one (1) foundational Supervisory/Leadership course module and followed by six (6) critical skills-building modules.  This FLDP program could be conducted online over a period of six to seven (6-7) months duration.  (Please refer to the section below for more details.)

We have conducted this FLDP program for more than 20-years now and for the first-time, My Blended Elearning dot com (MyBE) is proud to announce that our FLDP courses will be transformed into Blended eLearning (BeL) remote online methodology.  Participants can now take our FLDP via Remote Online Training platform.  The courses are specially designed and properly spaced out to provide Frontline Leaders ample time to learn and put into practice what they have learned, before taking on the next course.  These Blended eLearning FLDP courses will equip both the experienced and recently appointed Frontline Leaders to gain leadership and crtical people-handling skills and to be more confident in executing their People-Manager role in a professional manner. 



A). eLearning is self-learning online via MyBE’s Learning Management System (LMS).
B). Remote Online Training (ROT) is training online with Instructor via Zoom/Skype/Google Meet platform.

**Special Note:  These Blended eLearning (BeL) courses comes bundled with FREE 1-week 24×7 Access to MyBE Learning Portal or LMS resources.



Foundational Module
frontline leadership program



Course Description

This training course will help both the recently appointed, as well as those long serving frontline leaders or supervisors to feel confident in their role to manage people, to take up today’s leadership challenges, to be more productive and effective in an ever-changing environment.  This foundational course is crucial as it focuses on the essential skills needed to excel in a today’s frontline leadership or supervisory position.

Learning Objectives

At the end of the course, participants will be able to …

  • Describe the importance of effective supervisor’s role & responsibilities in the organization
  • Recognize the new challenges facing today’s supervisors
  • Practice the Five Basic Principles of Frontline Leadership
  • Practice essential Personal skills for effectiveness:
    – Cope with Paradigm Shift and manage the Change Cycle
    – Setting S.M.A.R.T Goals and communicate it clearly & specifically to subordinates.
    – Planning and monitoring work progress
  • Practice essential Interpersonal skills for effectiveness:
    – Connecting, establishing rapport and cooperation with others
    – Recognizing Positive Results
    – Confronting subordinates with work performance issues using the correct Re-directing and Reprimanding techniques.
Course Duration

Total : 18.0 hours
(4.0 hrs via MyBE LMS + 14.0 hrs via Zoom)

Skills Building Module
frontline leadership program



Course Description

This second module of the Frontline Leadership skills-building training intends to equip you with the essential Key Actions and the Planning Questions to enable you to formulate and deliver impactful, constructive feedback. They apply to situations in which you initiate the feedback, as well as to those situations in which others ask you for the feedback they need.

Learning Objectives

At the end of the course, participants will be able to …

  • Describe the importance & benefits of giving constructive feedback.
  • Recognize the leadership functions and when to give constructive feedback.
  • Use the E.A.R Model in giving feedback.
  • Apply Essential Interaction Flow & Key Actions:
    – Stating the constructive purpose of feedback
    – Describing behaviors observed
    – Describe the impact and reactions
    – Providing opportunity for response
    – Offer suggestions
  • Practice giving mock feedbacks
  • Identify possible pitfalls and Next-Step Actions.
Course Duration

Total : 14.0 hours
(4.0 hrs via MyBE LMS + 10.0 hrs via Zoom)

Skills Building Module
frontline leadership program



Course Description

This third module of the Frontline Leadership skills-building training equips you with the essential 1×1 communication skills that help you to focus your energy on helping your Direct Reports to improve their work performance and achieve organizational goals.   The Key Actions in this module enable you to connect and align your people with accurate information, guidance, insight and encouragement through frequent interactions to accomplish your missions and goals for your tea

Learning Objectives

At the end of the course, participants will be able to …

  • Describe why 1×1 communication with Direct Reports is so important at the workplace.
  • Make the appropriate distinction about what information to share in a 1×1 Vs Team settings.
  • Identify, plan out Action Plans:
    – Organizational goals & what you expect from them.
    – 1×1 Effective Meetings model
    – Action plan for conducting difficult conversations successfully.
  • Practice Interactions Flow & Key Actions to communicate clearly:
    –  Set S.M.A.R.T goals with focus on Deliverables.
    – Provide Positive Feedback
    – Use E.A.R Model in giving feedback
    – Use Attentive Listening Technique
  • Practice conducting mock 1×1 Difficult Meeting
  • Identify possible pitfalls and Next-Step Actions.
Course Duration

Total : 14.0 hours
(4.0 hrs via MyBE LMS + 10.0 hrs via Zoom)

Skills Building Module
frontline leadership program



Course Description

This fourth module of the Frontline Leadership skills-building training will equips you with a proven, effective technique for getting good information from others so that you can formulate sound decisions.  Use the critical Key Actions and the Planning Questions in this module to sharpen your listening skill and questioning techniques so that you can benefit from someone else’s data, experience, or viewpoint. 

Learning Objectives

At the end of the course, participants will be able to …

  • Describe the importance & benefits of Getting Good Information From Others.
  • Recognize the leadership functions in tapping on other’s data, experience, or viewpoint.
  • Apply Essential Interaction Flow & Key Actions:
    – Focusing on the discussion, filtering for information needed.
    – Using proper questioning techniques to expand discussion or prompt for specifics
    – Encourage dialog through proper body language
    – Reaffirm understanding, summarize and close the discussion.
  • Practice mock interview to get good information from others.
  • Identify possible pitfalls and Next-Step Actions.
Course Duration

Total : 14.0 hours
(4.0 hrs via MyBE LMS + 10.0 hrs via Zoom)

Skills Building Module
frontline leadership program



Course Description

This fifth module of the Frontline Leadership skills-building training equips you with the right process, right tools or techniques, and the right skills to solve problems as a team. It helps you to tap into the know-how of individual team members, develop consensus, gain commitment, and resolve issues fast. Everyone is on the same wavelength, using a common approach and language, and works towards the same goal, regardless of background or expertise.

Learning Objectives

At the end of the course, participants will be able to …

  • Describe the importance & benefits of Solving Problems As A Team.
  • Recognize the leadership functions in building teamwork and leading in problem solving.
  • Align team members to systematically find root cause, develop solutions and take corrective actions.
  • Use the PDCA scientific methods to solve problem.
  • Lead team using this Essential Interaction Flow & Key Actions:
    o. PLAN: – Establish Team Problem Statement.
    – Assess current situation and prioritization
    o. DO: – Analyze data/facts/evidences scientifically to find the root cause(s).
    – Use rational and creative questioning techniques to engage team members
    – Brainstorm with team for possible causes.
    – Develop solutions, alternatives, and counter-measures.
    – Take actions to implement solutions
    o. CHECK: – Verify the ‘Before’ and ‘After’ status.
    – Collect data and verify that the gap is closing.
    o. ACT: – Embed solutions and make it permanent
    – Standardize practices and update S.O.P
    – Involve team members to present ‘improvement journey’
  • Practice case-studies & teambuilding exercises.
  • Identify ‘Lessons Learnt’ and Next-Step Actions.
Course Duration

Total : 20.0 hours
(6.0 hrs via MyBE LMS + 14.0 hrs via Zoom)

Skills Building Module
frontline leadership program



Course Description

This sixth module of the Frontline Leadership skills-building training provides you a proven process for defusing emotional behavior when it erupts in a work discussion.  The critical Key Actions in this module allow you to acknowledge the other person’s emotions appropriately without becoming immersed in them, and then help the person to refocus on the work issues at hand.   

Learning Objectives

At the end of the course, participants will be able to …

  • Describe the importance & benefits of Dealing With Emotional Behavior.
  • Recognize the leadership functions in defusing emotional behavior and handle it well.
  • Use the L.E.A.PS principle.
  • Apply Essential Interaction Flow & Key Actions:
    – Listen empathically and calmly acknowledge the emotional behavior.
    – Describe the impact the emotional behavior is having on you and on the discussion.
    – Determine if it’s possible to continue the discussion constructively.
    – Pause or suggest an approach for jointly refocusing on the work issue.
    – Express support and reassurance.
  • Practice role-plays on emotional behavior during discussions.
  • Identify possible pitfalls and Next-Step Actions.
Course Duration

Total : 14.0 hours
(4.0 hrs via MyBE LMS + 10.0 hrs via Zoom)

Skills Building Module
frontline leadership program



Course Description

This seventh and final module of the Frontline Leadership skills-building training provides you with critical skills to delegate effectively, empowers your subordinates, and frees you more time to focus on other higher leverage goals.  Use the critical Key Actions and the Planning Questions in this module to master your delegation skills. 

Learning Objectives

At the end of the course, participants will be able to …

  • Describe the importance & benefits of Delegating For Productivity & Growth.
  • Recognize the leadership functions in delegating and empowering others.
  • ‘Stewardship’ delegation Vs ‘Go-For’ delegation.
  • 5-Step Stewardship Delegation Technique.
  • Apply Essential Interaction Flow & Key Actions:
    – Open by sharing clearly the Desired Results.
    – Provide clear Guidelines and clarify mutual responsibility for results.
    – Identify Resources that can be used to accomplish desired results.
    – Set performance standards and agree on Accountability for it.
    – Specify the Consequences of success and failures.
    – Close by summarizing and confirming confidence.
  • Practice 1×1 discussion for delegation.
  • Identify possible pitfalls and Next-Step Actions.
Course Duration

Total : 14.0 hours
(4.0 hrs via MyBE LMS + 10.0 hrs via Zoom)


Contact us to customize this Frontline Leadership Development Program (FLDP) to suit your organization specific needs.

WhatApps :  + 60-19-502 2718